How do you get rid of fine construction dust?

The best way to clean fine dust is to use a damp microfiber cloth. If the dust gets too wet, it will turn to mud instead of sticking to the cloth, so be sure to wring out the cloth until it is barely damp. You just want to pick up the dust with the cloth, not soak it. If your question is how to clean construction dust from walls, you're not alone.

Wipe the walls with a soft, damp towel to collect dust and clean it. For hard-to-reach areas, wrap the towel around the bottom of the broom and secure it with adhesive tape. Use a wet and dry vacuum to quickly and efficiently remove dust. It can take more than one pass to remove significant dust buildup.

Watch for nails, chips, pieces of drywall, and other debris that the construction team may have missed when cleaning. Clean surfaces from top to bottom. Start by dusting walls; yes, even walls collect dust during construction. Dry dusting is the safest way to remove particles without damaging the wall surface, but you can also use a damp cloth depending on the type of paint or wall covering.

Consult with the paint or wallpaper manufacturer before using any type of moisture and test a small area before proceeding. Mouldings and cabinets are another favorite resting place for dust particles. Then bring a feather duster to these areas. Clean the inside shelves of all cabinets, paying special attention to hard-to-reach corners.

Clean countertops and any other flat surface before removing dirt and debris that is on or near the floor. Then, wipe away visible dust and mop hard floors wall to wall. This will allow air to flow into the house, which will remove some of the dust. A fan can also point in the direction of the window to help expel post-construction dust from the inside of the structure to the outside.

Place an air filter in the space. These cleaners remove dust, including construction dust and other allergens from the air with the help of various filters. The size and number of air purifiers needed will depend on the number of rooms or the size of the rooms. Two to three cleaners may be needed in a large project.

A small air cleaner may be sufficient if the construction work was limited to one room. There are also air filters that can be connected to your oven or air conditioning unit to remove dust from several rooms in the house at once. Clean all hard surfaces starting at the top and going down. Vacuum the shelves and shelves inside all cabinets.

Clean all countertops, shelves, door frames and other flat surfaces and hard furniture in the house to keep the place dust free. Don't forget the window sills, the window frames and all the door handles and knobs. In some cases, the building gets quite dirty and you may even need to vacuum the bathroom and toilet to facilitate additional cleaning. Finish with thorough wall-to-wall cleaning and polishing of hard floors and tiles.

Molly Maid offers customized cleaning programs and services that can help keep your home tidy and clean, including dusting to help remove any construction particles that may remain after cleaning. Apparently, construction workers are told not to even clean at home or bring their clothes, as it can affect their home and family members. Don't forget to clean any fixtures, fixtures, and small objects in the construction area to have a completely dust-free home. Put on a protective mask and use this handy post-construction checklist from cleaning company ServiceMaster Clean to put the finishing touches on your beautiful new space.

For a family, building their current home or building a new home can be an exciting time. Happy House Cleaning experts ensure that by following this step-by-step to-do list, you can deal with the dust and debris left after construction and renovation without having to resort to professional cleaners. .

construction cleaning
Lexi Smith
Lexi Smith

Devoted tv expert. Food maven. Evil tv specialist. Professional zombie specialist. General internet evangelist.

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